Pedagogical Contents.

Pedagogical Contents

Teaching Methods
During the teaching-learning activity, students are involved a lot and they are required to be active in the classrooms. Teachers mostly act as facilitators who will help and guide the students for learning. Fun learning is the main focus there.

Learning Materials and Innovations
Teachers use various fascinating ways in delivering the learning materials in order to attract students attention and interests. They always related the materials with the modern things nowadays. So the students are very interested and actively participating during the class.

Sources of Learning and Technology
TV projector is one of the vital medium to deliver the learning material. Teachers also mostly use laptop for teaching. Using power point presentation to visualize and strengthen the students view and understanding towards the lesson. Sources of learning mostly come from books and internet. Teachers also often included movie, songs, daily activity and stuff around to become topics and sources of learning.

Assessment mostly conducted through quizes, students’ presentation, students’ works seat (pair or group work), students’ activeness, and examination. 


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